Indoor air sealing and radon protection | Tuusula
The semi-detached house of the 2020 Tuusula housing fair, the Terratinta house.
Kunde: Terratinta House - Puustellin Helmi
Mål: Semi-detached house
Adresse: Terratinta-talo, Tuusula, Finland
Materiale: Concrete
Entreprenør: Hietakoski Oy
Tilsynsførende: Janne Alakoski
Tid og sted: 04/2020 | Tuusula
The indoor air sealing and radon protection of the semi-detached house being completed at the Tuusula housing fair area was implemented with ElaProof products. The sealing of the exterior wall-floor interface and the internal sealing of the exterior wall-window interface were performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s work instructions. Porous interior surfaces were first treated with ElaProof Primer, then ElaProof Indoor was applied. ElaProof Base Fabric was pressed onto the ElaProof Indoor mass and another layer of ElaProof Indoor was applied on top of it. After the sealing work, the walls and floors were leveled and painted/coated.