ElaProof Art&Deco Colour SAND Installation instructions
1. Groundwork is the most important stage
1.1. Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be treated of dirt, sand, and dust.
1.2. Remove any old paint, coating, and rust.
1.3. You can use a pressure washer, brush, or other mechanical cleaning to clean the surfaces, depending on the surface material being treated.
1.4. Prime porous new or old surfaces (e.g., concrete, plastered surfaces, gypsum, and wood) with ElaProof Primer if necessary. The treatment improves the adhesion of ElaProof to the substrate by clogging the pores of the substrate.
2. Treat the surfaces first with ElaProof
2.1. Start by treating all horizontal and vertical surfaces with ElaProof. This ensures the waterproofing capacity of the site. Pour ElaProof directly from the jar evenly over an area of approx. 2 m2. When applying the first coat of ElaProof, use a coarse spatula, e.g., TKB B2 or B3.
2.2. Smooth the surface of the ElaProof with a metal spatula as smooth as possible, using wide movements.
Allow the ElaProof dry in peace!
Remember that drying out ElaProof is the evaporation of water. The drying time depends on the layer thickness, the absorbency of the substrate and the ambient temperature, dew point and relative humidity.
3. Treat the surfaces first with ElaProof
3.1. Start the work by rolling a new layer of ElaProof coating on the surface to be treated with a short-haired roller (approx. 5-7 mm pile). If necessary, you can thin the ElaProof mass (max. 1% by volume).
3.2. It is easiest to handle the vertical surfaces of the stairs and the risers with a brush or a small roller. If it is a large surface, start with max. 4-5 m² in the area.
3.3. We recommend working in pairs – a small area at a time, with one person applying ElaProof and the other throwing sand evenly over the ElaProof coating. The easiest way to spread colored sand is by hand throwing or “sowing” sand from e.g., a small plastic bucket.
3.4. In the case of stairs and lifts, it is recommended to spread the sand from the pile with a brush, in which case the sand is spread carefully without touching the ElaProof surface.
Allow the ElaProof coating and colored sand to dry overnight. Collect the excess color sand and treat the surfaces with ELACOAT TOPCOAT according to point 4.
4. ELACOAT TOPCOAT treatment increases durability and makes cleaning easy!
4.1. We recommend the use of ELACOAT TopCoat on horizontal surfaces that are exposed to wear, such as stairs and floors. The products increase the durability of wear and make it much easier to keep the item clean.
4.2. Apply after the last ElaProof surface has dried for at least one day. Remember to remove the excess colored sand before processing!
4.3. The product is spread over the colored sand by rolling with a short-haired lint-free roller.
4.4. In stair steps, it is also worth treating the vertical surfaces, which makes cleaning the object easy.
Mixing instructions for ELACOAT TOPCOAT:
The product is delivered in 2-component packages, where the components are in the correct mixing ratio. Mix component A for at least 1-2 minutes. Then pour the entire contents of the B component into the A component and mix the mass carefully with a suitable mixer for at least 2-3 minutes until the mass is of uniform quality. After that, pour the mixture into a clean container and mix briefly. Avoid mixing air bubbles into the mixture during mixing.
This is how you choose the right spatula!
Various spatulas are used to apply the ElaProof Art & Deco products. See the table for instructions on choosing the right spatula.
TKB spatula instructions and TKB-indentation
Structural drawings
All structural drawings related to ElaProof products in DWG and PDF format from the ProdLib-service.
Updated: 01/2023 | MA
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