ElaProof+SAND Floor Covering – Technical information

ElaProof+SAND Floor Covering is suitable for indoor and outdoor use

Binding agent: waterborne polymer dispersion
Colours: white, grey, dark grey and black – Can be painted over with most water-based, breathable and elastic paints.
Surface varnishing: We recommend ELACOAT TopCoat treatment for surfaces that are heavily trafficked and require easy cleaning.
Sand grain sizes:
• Fine (0,05-0,2 mm)
• Medium (0,1-0,6 mm)
• Rough (0,7-1,2 mm)
Product selection: coating to be applied with a trowel
Base materials: all building materials, e.g. concrete, masonry structures, cement-based screeds, tiles*), building boards (chipboard, plasterboard), plastic and bathroom floors and walls coated with different materials
Dry matter content: 81 ± 1 %
Acidity (pH): 7-8
Density: 1,60 ± 5 g/cm3
Recommended dry film thickness:
• Floors min. 2,0 mm
Water vapor permeation: 20 ± 1 g / m2 / day
Fire class: A2 FL
Adhesion strength, without primer: 1 – 4 N/mm2
Operating temperature: over +10°C
Drying time: (+20°C, 50% RH, 2,0 / 4,0 kg/m2) 12 h
Emission classes::
• M1 • Eurofins, Finland, 2023
Storage time: min. 12 months (see package for manufacturing date)
Storage: Product must not freeze. Protect for direct sunlight.
Temperature resistance
• Long term: -30°C … +150°C
• Short term: max. +190°C
Weather resistance (UV, thermal and moisture resistance): excellent
Electrical conductivity: does not conduct electricity

*) The tiled floor of the bathroom must be waterproofed with an approved waterproofing material intended for use under ceramic tiles. This waterproofing must not be more than 10 years old at the coating stage, based on RIL 107-2012 guidelines

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