7.1 Coating of Concrete Plinth
This coating work method is indicative and deals with the coating of a concrete plinth with the ELAPROOF + SAND system. The ELAPROOF + SAND plinth protection system consists of ELAPROOF PRIMER primer, ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection and ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL / ELACOAT TOPCOAT topcoat
The coating work method is not a repair plan or a construction plan. The overall design of the coating is always the responsibility of the site-specific designer.
Platform refurbishment
Adequate tensile and compressive strength is a key factor in the performance of coating materials. The concrete or screed substrate must be durable and have sufficient compressive strength. The substrate must be clean, sufficiently dry and free of all contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, weak coatings and surface treatments.
If necessary, weak layers are removed by sufficiently efficient mechanical methods such as grinding or milling. For coating, the best result is achieved if it is applied to a clean concrete surface with a roughness equivalent to a wood-ground concrete surface.
Platform patching and levelling
Any cavities in the concrete surface are filled with a filling compound suitable for the coating combination before coating. If the concrete substrate to be coated has rough or uneven areas, they must be levelled with a levelling compound suitable for the coating combination. It should be noted that the irregularities tend to be visible on the coated surface.
Only special products that meet the above compressive and tensile strength requirements may be used to repair, straighten, and level the substrate. The suitability of the above products as a substrate for a liquid coating must always be ensured. from the product supplier.
Prior to coating, cleaned and repaired concrete substrates are primed with ELAPROOF PRIMER diluted 1: 2 with water (1 part primer: 2 parts water). The primer may be damp before applying ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection.
Before starting the coating, the ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection must be mixed. Use a mixing paddle in the mixer that does not take air into the sealant when mixing, eg COLLOMIX KR series mixing paddle.
The primed substrate is coated with ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection. The coating is applied to the substrate with a steel spatula.
ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection is applied to the substrate in two separate applications. The consumption of each application must be at least approx. 1.0 kg / m2.
In which case the total consumption is at least 2.0 kg / m2. The actual dry film thickness must be min. 1.0 mm.
The drying time between coats of ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection depends largely on the conditions at the installation site. At conditions of approx. + 20 °C, 50% RH can be applied a second time approx. 5 h after the first application. Lower temperatures and higher humidity significantly extend the drying time.
The ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection applied twice can be applied after approx. 12 hours in conditions + 20 °C, 50 % RH.
If necessary, the dried ELAPROOF + SAND Plinth Protection coating is treated with clear ELACOAT TOPCOAT or tinted ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats to facilitate cleaning and maintenance or to achieve the desired color tone.
In the topcoat, the topcoat component A is first mixed for 1 to 2 minutes, then the hardener component B is added to the mixed topcoat A and mixed again for 2-3 minutes. Use, for example, the COLLOMIX KR series wire whisk for mixing.
The mixture is applied on top of the dried ELAPROOF coating with a short-pile roller (6 – 7 mm) by cross-rolling. The consumption of the topcoat is approx. 110 – 200 g / m2 / application, depending on the degree of roughness of the selected ELAPROOF + SAND coating. The topcoat is dry to dry after approx. 16 h at + 20 C, 50% RH. The full duration of mechanical stress is achieved under the above conditions in about 4 days and the full chemical duration in about 7 days.
NOTE! Some shades of ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats may require 2 to 3 coats to achieve sufficient coverage! See a separate table for the coverage of ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL topcoats.
Build Care Oy owns all rights to this coating work method. Designers are free to use this coating work method when creating repair and coating plans!
Structural drawings
All structural drawings related to ElaProof products in DWG and PDF format from the ProdLib-service.
Updated: 01/2022 | JKo
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