ELACOAT TopCoatRAL instructions for use


The substrate must be structurally sound, clean, dry and free from substances that weaken adhesion such as dust, dirt, grease, oil or loose material layers. ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL must be applied within 48 hours of installing the ElaProof coating.


The product is delivered in a 2-component package, where the components are in the correct mixing ratio. Mix component A for at least 1-2 minutes. Then pour the entire B component into the A component and mix the mass carefully with a suitable mixer for at least 2–3 minutes until the varnish is of uniform quality. After that, pour the mixture into a clean container and mix for a while. Avoid creating air bubbles in the mixture during mixing.

On dense and non-absorbent substrates such as ElaProof coating, pour ELACOAT TOPCOAT RAL onto the substrate and spread parallel with a roller (pile 7-11 mm) or rubber trowel. On smooth surfaces, roll with a short-pile microfiber roller. Finish with a new microfiber roller in parallel. Avoid air bubbles during installation.

On absorbent and porous substrates, use a trough intended for a roller or a similar container to help with application. Dip the roller in the trough and roll the excess surface varnish on the collection edge of the trough. After that, apply the topcoat by rolling it parallel to the base.

Clean used tools with water before they dry.

Varnishing again

Varnishing must be done again within 1-2 days of the previous one.

Cleaning and maintenance

Separate maintenance and cleaning instructions available. We recommend regular cleaning and a maintenance program. Before using the varnished surface, we recommend basic cleaning and maintenance.

Technical support

You can get information on the possibilities of using the systems and detailed advice on the use of ELACOAT and ElaProof products from Build Care Oy’s technical advice, tel. +358 20 790 2710 or info@buildcare.fi

Structural drawings

You can find all structural drawings related to ElaProof products in DWG and PDF format in the ProdLib-service.

01/2023 | MA

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